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IESPAIDĪGA BCAA proporcija 10:1:1!
• Ieslēdz muskuļu augšanu!
• Palīdz pec treniņa Atjaunoties pilnībā!
• Palīdz locītavām – vairs nekādu sāpošu locītavu!
• Pilnīgs imūnsistēmas atbalsts!
• Uztur veselīgas aknas!
ALLDAYYOUMAY tika izveidots, pateicoties Rich Piana uzskatiem, ka uztura bagātinātājus nav jālieto, lai aizstātu pilnās ēdienreizes, bet lai papildinātu tās. Tieši tāpēc uztura bagātinātājus sauc par bagātinātājiem!
ALLDAYYOUMAY bez šaubām ir viens no visefektīvākajiem produktiem tirgū – bez variantiem! ALLDAYYOUMAY tika izveidots, lai jūs barotu savu ķermeni ar to, kas viņam vajadzīgs, lai atjaunotos un augtu visas dienas garumā!
Jaunākais Rich uztura bagātinātājs ir domāts augšanai un atjaunošanās procesam pēc treniņa, un jo īpaši tas veicina: locītavu atjaunošanos, samazina muskuļu nogurumu, stiprina imūnsistēmu, aizsargā jūsu aknas un uzlabo gremošanu.
BCAA maisījums (6g)
Vienā porcijā Rich piedāvā iespaidīgu devu ar BCAA aminoskābēm, kas ir neatņemama atjaunošanās produktu sastāvdaļa.
Šis BCAA maisījums sastāv no leicīna, valīna un izoleicīna attiecībā 10:1:1.
BCAA aminoskābes ir pierādīta uzturviela bodibildinga industrijā, jo tās stimulē muskuļu augšanu un ātru atjaunošanos.
Tas ko jūs vēl nezinājāt ir – BCAA aminoskābes stiprina imūnsistēmu.
Supplements are meant to do just that: supplement. ALLDAYUMAY was birthed from Rich Piana‘s philosophy that supplements should never take the place of your meals, but rather taken in addition to the food you eat. ALLDAYUMAY is one of the most dynamic products on the supplement market today, formulated to aid your muscle building efforts in numerous ways.
Who says you cannot feed your body what it needs throughout the day, ALLDAYUMAY!
Key Ingredients BREAKDOWN:
Out of the three Branched Chain Amino Acids this is the one that truly sparks muscle synthesis. Leucine turns the muscle building switch of your cells into the ON position. Do the research! You will countless studies on how Leucine is the one of the best muscle building components available. With 5 grams per serving, Leucine will flow through your bloodstream ready for muscle building action.
What amino do you take to help your muscles recovery faster? Glad you asked: L-Glutamine. Glutamine keeps your body in a positive nitrogen state so your body is in constant muscle building mode. It is also the primary energy source for the immune system- keep you healthy. During hardcore workouts a lot of Glutamine is lost, and it is important to replace for optimal muscle recovery. ALLDAYUMAY contains 2.5 grams of Glutamine per serving to saturate your muscles! Glutamine is very anti-catabolic and is very useful in maintaining muscle mass while dieting.
Metabolites are small puzzle pieces that remain after something has been broken down. They each have their own job to do. Since they are already broken down your body can utilize them very quickly. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could just get right to business and take the actual metabolite of Leucine that tells your cells to start building muscle. Well guess what?? You can- it’s called HICA!!
NAC is one of the most powerful liver support ingredients available on the market. Bodybuilders take a lot stress against their liver. More than the average person. Think of all the protein they eat, all the supplements they take - all being strained and filtered by the liver. N-Acetyl Cysteine is used to quickly restore protective levels of glutathione levels, one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant defenses. NAC makes liver cells more able to protect themselves from ongoing damage. A healthy liver is critical for the longevity of your bodybuilding lifestyle.
Now this is a cutting edge ingredient! When your muscles are being broken down by weight training, your body starts certain processes to shut down activity to that muscle to prevent further muscle damage when it senses a drop in pH and a rise in lactic acid. COP is a buffer that prevents a drop in pH sp you can keep pushing that muscle beyond the normal failure range. COP works great with Beta Alanine as you would imagine. Acts as an intracellular buffer to help clear lactic acid which can limit performance during training
Alright let’s make this easy. Ready? When you work out, your muscles build up hydrogen ions. Hydrogen Ions create lactic acid. Lactic Acid lowers pH. Low pH causes your muscles to fail. Beta Alanine turns into carnosine. Carnosine is stored in cells. When pH drops- Carnosine is released. Carnosine is an acid buffer and buffers lactic acid preventing a drop in pH. Prevent pH from dropping by taking Beta Alanine allows you to train that muscle longer and past failure. DONE!
If you are lifting weights like you should, your joints will take a beating. Shoulder, knee, and elbow joints in particular need to be healthy and able to keep up with your hardcore training. One of the key elements ofALLDAYUMAY is the joint support benefits. Recovery is a lot more than just muscular. D-Glucosamine Sulfate and MSM and two of the most heavy hitting joint support ingredients on the market. MSM is used to promote the rebuilding of muscles and joint tissue. MSM provides a rich source of bioavailable sulfur to support connective tissue repair and regeneration. D-Glucosamine Sulfate is used to increase the cartilage and fluid surrounding joints and to help prevent breakdown of cartilage.
Having a super healthy immune system and fighting free radicals from exercise is a MAJOR part of your recovery. If free radicals (FR's) are not neutralized by antioxidant body stores immediately, tissue damage occurs to absolutely every delicate cell membrane touched by these wrecking machines. If not combated against, free radicals lead to tissue damage, fatigue, swelling and pain. You don’t want that do you? Of course not! Microdried Blueberry Fruit Powder has one of the highest free radical absorbing capacities available for human consumption.
Bodybuilders have been taking L-Carnitine for a very long time. There are so many benefits to bodybuilders that there was no way to not include it in ALLDAYUMAY. Let’s get to this really important benefits. It reduces exercise induced muscle tissue damage. It is a potent fat burner that increases energy levels. It spares glycogen, increases anabolic hormone response, and decreases lactic acid production. L-Carnitine in short will help you stay lean, workout harder, increase muscle building hormones, and improve performance.
This vitamin is so underrated. Every bodybuilder everywhere should be loading up on Vitamin C on a daily basis. It does much more than fight a cold. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that help keep you in the gym and out of the sick bed, but is necessary for growth and development of tissues. Vitamin C is also essential for the repair of cartilage and bones. Here is something even more awesome; Vitamin C supports a lower ratio of cortisol to testosterone. That means more testosterone in your system! ALLDAYUMAY is not just another bottle of amino acids!
B-12 is in ALLDAYUMAY for one major reason: to give you natural, stimulant free energy throughout the day. Workouts can leave you tired and diminished. Stimulants don’t last long, and the crash is hard to recover from. Bodybuilders become very dependent on stimulants; which is not a good thing. They will take stimulants just to recover from the crash they get. Nothing is better than having consistent natural energy through the course of the day. B-12 can give you that! Even doctors give their patients B-12 shots for energy. Fight fatigue, stay energized, and stay fresh with ALLDAYUMAY.
Could you imagine eating all the protein that you do, and your body not digesting all of it. Imagine all that muscle growing protein gone to waste! Bromelain is incredible. It is a mixture of enzymes that digest protein found in pineapples. It is also used to treat swelling and inflammation from injuries which could be very useful to bodybuilders. Supplementing with Bromelain in ALLDAYUMAY gives you added insurance that you are taking the necessary measures to digest protein better.
If you aren’t sweating as a bodybuilder, you are probably not working out hard enough or long enough. During sweating, your body loses electrolytes- particularly sodium and potassium. These need to be replaced. A loss of potassium can cause negative side effects including cramping in muscles. Cramps suck- BAD. Coconut Water Concentrate is like nature’s sports drink and is a great source of electrolytes. Coconut water contains a variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, growth factors and other phytonutrients. Real men eat whatever the F*** they want INCLUDING Coconut Water Concentrate.
All Day Drink
5%er’s will do What Ever It Takes to ensure their bodies are being fed All Day, and know that to train day in- day out at a high level you need more than just amino acids; the whole body needs to be prepared and ready for the next onslaught in the gym! Stay healthy, stay anabolic, stay strong- 1DayUMay!
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